A Guide to Break the Summer Boredom

School is out. The weather’s hot. Fun is in the air. It’s Summer Break! Read More...

How to Plan Your Affordable Vacation

A break from work or the everyday hustle is always a welcomed suggestion. Finding time for a getaway is one thing and paying for it can be quite another. Vacations don’t have to take your wallet for a financial plunge. Here are five ideas for your next vacay that won’t break the bank! Read More...

How to Party During March Madness.

What is March Madness? Plus 3 Slam-Dunk Ways to Have Fun. Read More...

5 Ways to Share the Love without Breaking the Bank

Here comes the first quarter holiday we love to love. Or love to hate, depending on your relationship status. Make Valentine’s Day 2024 suited to your perspective and lifestyle without worrying about how the price tags will affect your banking account. Below are 5 ways to take part that are sure to be fun! Read More...

3 Ways to Survive the Holiday Hoopla

Every year, the holidays seem to sneak up on us no matter how hard we try to plan. From financial budgets to food babies, this season can easily turn us upside down. It helps to have a grounded friend, family member, or even cuddly pet you can use as a holiday-stress sounding board. But, as we know, the excitement, celebrations, and memories are surely worth the hijinks. Read More...

Shop Smart for Thanksgiving

There can be a lot of pressure to go “all out” during Thanksgiving. After all, you want to have an unforgettable day with your loved ones. However, cooking an entire meal for your closest family and friends can be a daunting experience. It’s expensive, it’s time-consuming and it’s easy to mess up. That’s why Heights Finance gathered our best tips to help you stay on track this Thanksgiving. Read More...

5 Tip and Treats for a Money Saving Halloween

When it comes to the spookiest night of the year, plans can range from fun and safe to silly and scary! Whether you’re trick or treating with the kids, handing out candy to the lil’ ghouls and boys, or hanging out with friends, you can celebrate without breaking the bank and keep the financially positive party going long after the sun comes up. Here are five ideas on how to save money this Halloween season. Read More...

The Gift of Presence

The Holiday season can be... Stressful. We have a few tips to help you stay present amid all the season's. Read More...

10 Simple Ways to Treat Yourself on a Budget

10 Simple Ways to Treat Yourself on a Budget

With prices rising on everything from groceries to gas, everyone is counting their pennies these days. It can be a challenge to find money for essentials at times, much less for things that add vibrance to our days. Read More...

How to Save Money on Your Summer Grocery Budget

How to Save Money on Your Summer Grocery Budget

Summer is the season of vacations, outdoor barbecues and fun in the sun. It’s also the time when it can be challenging not to max out your grocery budget. Read More...

Reflections on Financial Independence

Reflections on Financial Independence

As we celebrate Independence Day, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our finances. We’ve just passed the midpoint of the year and we can look back over the past six months to take stock of where our financial goals are for 2023. Read More...

Father’s Day Experiences

Father’s Day Experiences

When it comes to Father’s Day, it’s tempting to run to the store and buy a quick gift, whether it’s a pair of fancy socks or a silky tie. Dad always likes what you give him anyways, right? While it’s true that Dad will accept whatever you buy him with a huge smile, it’s always a good time to consider gifting him something more lasting than a pair of socks or a tie. Read More...